Friday, July 08, 2005

Supreme Court, Property

Published Thursday, June 30, 2005

Supreme Court, Property

Kapital uber alles! Shades of Marx and Engels!

Sieg heil, reichsgericht! (Or should it be supreme comrades -- all five of them?)

The new ruling from our comrade judges in the Supreme Court, revolutionarily dispossesses every U.S. citizen of ownership of home and land. A title means nothing any longer if for whatever reason local government and private business conclude your property and home, or farmland, would better serve the economy as a business site. Your title is just a piece of worthless paper.

That's what the expanded "eminent domain" ruling inflicts upon ownership rights.

No longer are private land and homes protected from the voracious, drooling greed of private developers, investors and the unsated, tax-hungry local politicians in power, along with the real estate industry.

No longer must the general public's good and benefit be required to condemn your property and force you to sell, whether you want to or not. You must! The state, essentially, owns the rights to all real property now.

Your lifetime of effort, payments, maintenance, care, memories and security are gone. History! Gone without recourse.

Gone, forever -- into that unquenchable maw of das kapital, the mantra of our new "kompassionate konservatism."

For this blessing, we must thank Comrade Justices Bader Ginsberg, Breyer, Kennedy, Souter and Stevens who collectively have made the first move toward our becoming the United Soviets of America.

Good-bye, liberty. Those we hired to protect our rights have spat upon and usurped them.

We are being made, slowly, into slaves to those malignant parasites among us who hold no truths to be self-evident other than big money, profits and political power.




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